Campus ESB Lot N° 46, Z.I Chotrana II, 2088, Ariana, Tunisia
Email : contact.esb@esprit.tn Tél : +(216) 70 168 700

ESPRIT Schools of Business and Engineering, as part of the second edition of the New Frontiers Workshop Series (NFWS) on “Emerging ICT trends &applications” is holding a two-day workshop on Metaverse. The event is organized in collaboration with EMSI (Morocco), and the IEEE (Tunisia Section).
For this second edition the focus will be on the “Metaverse: From building business cases towards implementing solutions”.
The metaverse, though still in its developing stage, have already attracted considerable attention among online game makers, social networks, and other technology leaders. Bloomberg analysts estimate that the global Metaverse revenue opportunity could reach $800 billion in 2024, compared to nearly $500 billion in 2020.
The Metaverse can be depicted as the seamless convergence of the physical and digital realms, creating real-time virtual environments for users to interact. It presents an opportunity for companies to offer new value-added services and capitalize on new revenue streams. Metaverse services and applications are made possible thanks to the convergence of various enabling technologies: Web 3.0, Immersive AR, VR &MR, haptic, 3-D software & multimedia, blockchain, crypto-currencies, NFTs, AI, high-speed networking, and edge computing, among others. While the metaverse continues to stimulate creativity and new forms of learning, playing, and socialization, it raises serious ethical, legal, and social challenges regarding its potential misuse.
The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum for academic researchers, R&D professionals, PhD candidates, leading data science experts, entrepreneurs, and interested parties to sharerecent research developments and latest solutions pertaining to Metaverse business use cases, applications, technologies, underlying challenges and future research directions. The workshop will be carried out through presentations, open discussions, exchange of ideas among researchers and practitioners and through practical hands-on training sessions.
The main desired outcomes of this workshop consist of:
The event is structured around four main themes:
The two-day workshop will be organized into three main sessions. The first session (half day) will draw attention to the state-of-the art inthe technologies behind the Metaverse. The second session (half day) will provide a deep understanding of the business cases and applications of the Metaverse, while addressing the potential misuses and ethical issues. The third, day-long, session will include several (possibly parallel) hands-on training workshops.
Day 1
Duration: 8 hours
Location: ESPRIT School of Engineering, Bloc E.
Learning objectives:
Hardware Requirements:
Workshop datasheet:
Email : contact.esb@esprit.tn Tél : +(216) 70 168 700
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