Okan University, one of the youngest and the most dynamic universities of Turkey.
Okan University was founded by Okan Culture, Education, and Sports Foundation in 1999 and began its academic life in 2003-2004.
Okan University aims to build a bridge between the academic and the business world. To this end, the university enables students to work at firms as part of its Preparing for Business Life Program, starting from their freshman year. This program not only helps students to become familiar with business life and improve their knowledge and skills by putting theory into practice, but serves to motivate the students as well. Students who have successfully completed the Preparing for Business Life Program are presented with a participation certificate as well as other work experience certifications added to their diplomas when they graduate.
Okan’s vision is to become a world-class university which contributes to the betterment of the nation and its business life by providing education of the highest standards and thereby preparing its students to enter the modern business world, ensuring that they are open to domestic and foreign competition, and instilling them with social responsibility and environmental consciousness.
Mobilités des étudiants :
- Les étudiants ESB de 2ème année LSG peuvent postuler à un semestre de mobilité (S5 ou S6) dans l’un des Bachelors of Business Administration de Okan. La mobilité se fait sur la base d’un “learning agreement” spécifiant les crédits transférés ;
- Symétriquement, des mobilités d’étudiants de Okan vers ESB peuvent être effectuées selon le même schéma ;
- Les étudiants en mobilité de crédits s’acquittent de leurs droits dans leur université d’origine exclusivement ;
- Les étudiants qui souhaitent, suite à une mobilité de crédits, poursuivre leur cursus en mode doublement diplômant dans l’université d’accueil, pourront le faire selon des modalités qui restent à définir.