Campus ESB Lot N° 46, Z.I Chotrana II, 2088, Ariana, Tunisia
Email : Phone : +(216) 70 168 700
The approach by projects and problems (APP0) makes the student the main actor of his training. It is based on case studies, cross-disciplinary projects, and collaborative work that puts the student in a position to constantly deal with realistic business problems. The ultimate goal is the professionalization of the student, by acquiring not only knowledge, but also the know-how and life skills essential to the business environment
From the first day, students immerse themselves in this pedagogy and it is through the different APP0 Bath where they discover a new way of doing, collaborating and training differently.
The proximity with companies, the intervention of professionals in the curricula, the multiplication of internships and company visits, and the scenarios of active pedagogy ensure a smooth transition of the student from school to the world of the company.
It provides benchmarks for adapting to a changing world, staying efficient while sharpening judgment and communication skills. The general culture and the job-oriented seminars allow students to sharpen their critical thinking skills. Thanks to extra-curricular activities (clubs, cultural outings, visits, etc.), they forge their civic dimension and their inter-cultural skills.
Computers must be the third language, the one that every citizen of the world must currently know, experience and master in order to communicate and act. At ESB, digital is everywhere, it permeates all lessons and all practices. A key element of the digital future of companies, it is transmitted at the level of each teaching module, implemented and deepened within the framework of cross-disciplinary projects.
Admission to ESB is via the linguistic, cultural and integration bath (BALC’on), the first dive into the practice of projects and collaborative work.
The global village in which we live requires perfect mastery of languages and communication techniques. Self-esteem, leadership, creativity and eloquence, stress and conflict management … all skills that make the difference in the job market.
Multidisciplinary clubs and integration activities that span multiple areas.
In our globalized economy, international openness is not an option. ESB is thus welcoming a growing number of international students, and at the same time offering its students multiple opportunities for mobility and double degrees thanks to partnerships with renowned institutions.
Compliance with international standards in management training is exemplified by the numerous partnerships with the best schools and universities, and the cross-mobility of students and teachers that it allows.
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